How It Works

How It Works

If you’re here chances are you’ve either used an escort service in the past, or you’re very interested in booking a woman specifically for your time in Vegas. If you’ve done this previously then you already know what to expect and you don’t need to continue on reading this portion of the website. However, if you’re new to the world of escorts then continue reading, because we’re going to help walk you through this process. 

No, don’t worry, it’s not some kind of crazy complex process. You don’t need to sign off the deed of your home or notify your next of kin in case something goes sideways. It’s nothing like that. However, if you’ve read reviews elsewhere online you might fall under the impression of escorts being scam artists (or the entire booking process being a scam). 

First of all, we’re going to tell you straight up there are some escort scams out there. However, those scam services are usually only carried out by individuals found on websites like Craigslist or via Reddit posts. We’re not going out on too much of a limb here when we tell you not to book an escort through Reddit. Using services like ours, as well as a handful of other booking services here in Vegas are perfectly on the level. So as long as you use a reputable escort agency or booking service you’ll be fine with that regard. They’re the real deal!

When looking over our beautiful girls, you’ll pick out the girl you’re interested in. Whether you are using Girlsdirecttoyou com or a similar partner website, you’ll find a woman you want, and then you’ll contact us via email or phone and request to make the booking.

During this time you will tell us what kind of experience you want. Most of the girls will have some kind of a service menu for you to choose from. If there is a kind of service or anything else you’re interested in make sure to let us know at the time of booking. This is the best way to make sure you receive exactly what you’re interested in. You will select the date, as well as the time, and location, to complete your initial booking. 

Once you provide all of this information you will be quoted a reservation price you’ll need to pay at the time of making the booking. Should you decide to make tweaks to what you’re interested in or what you want your girl to do during the meeting you’re more than welcome to contact us again. Just know you will be paying the reservation fee to secure your time with your chosen Las Vegas escort service.

This is where some confusion comes into play. Or, namely, this is where individuals who have never booked an escort in the past become confused. What comes next is pretty universal, so keep this in mind should you decide to ever book another girl with us, or if you’re visiting another city and decide to book additional escort services. 

When the girl arrives at your selected destination at the chosen time and date, a second price will be discussed. If someone tells you their escort service was a scam and that they were “double-billed,” this is usually what people are referencing. However, it is not a double billing. The reservation fee you pay at the time of securing the reservation is just that. It’s a reservation holding fee. It secures the girl’s time. But that’s all it does. There are certain additional activities you will need to pay extra for. 

We can’t tell you exactly what this will cost because every girl is different. However, you will go over what you’re interested in and the girl will then quote you a price. Once again, you are paying for her time, just some of the activities you’re interested in are more strenuous and require some added work (or experience) on her part. After all, you often will pay an attorney an hourly rate, and then there are additional fees on top of that flat hourly payment you make. The same is true here. 

We do need to remind you that you are not paying for sex. This is not prostitution. You’re paying for her time. Of course, should something happen during your time with your escort, well, that’s between you and your girl. After all, you are consenting adults who have decided to spend time together. 

Just know you’re probably not going to be receiving any kind of itemized bill in the mail. There are no invoices forwarded to your inbox for your work to discover. This is Sin City! Everything is verbal. And don’t worry if you don’t have the kind of cash on hand certain services might cost when the girl arrives. While having cash on hand is always beneficial, your escort will be fully aware that not everyone has cash freely laying around like that (plus if you don’t know what something is going to cost you won’t know what to have on hand). Our girls are able to accept different forms of payment for the services you decide upon during your time with them. So whether you need to pay with a debit or credit card, or if you decide to Venmo your date the cash, you’ll be fully covered.